BLOGMAS - Day 3 xo
Thursday, December 04, 2014Mulled Wine Season Baby!
Ohhhhh it's that time of year when all I crave is mulled wine!
Don't get me wrong I can drink wine quite happily, but I don't love wine, but when it comes to mulled wine, well that's a completely different story!
I can deffinately say mulled wine reminds me of Winter Wonderland, which in turn clearly reminds us all of Christmas, happiness and fun!
Mulled Wine is usually made with red wine and various other mulling spices. A mulled drink is a beverage that has been prepared with these spices, hot apple cider and wassail are included in the selection of mulled drinks, and are usually served in autumn and winter seasons. They are served hot or warm and usually prepared by heating the drink in a pot with the mulling spices, and then strained. The usual spices used are cinnamon, cloves, allspice and nutmeg, but this can be varied, and if using dried fruit it tends to be raisins, apple or orange rind.
As much as it can be a long process, I'm actually enjoying reading up on random topics, and I also just read that port wine can be used for mulled wine as it's quite sweet and can be served between 15-20 degrees, so that's another blog post topic, as Francisco's parents brought us some home from Portugal, so I look forward to trying that!
So my topic of blogmas day 3 being mulled wine is purely because we went to our favourite Turkish restaurant in Saint Christophers Place (just off Oxford Street) and as it was so cold and the restaurant was busy, they were offering complimentary glasses of mulled wine to warm you up and who could refuse that, although we were seated inside straight away, so I had to ask if they'd go and get one for me, which they did, and it was extremely tasty.
So the moral of this post is that I'm really looking forward to drinking lots of Mulled Wine over this festive period! <3
Muchos Love,
Chanelle SP