BLOGMAS - Day 2 xo

Thursday, December 04, 2014

My Pretty Pink Christmas Tree!

I did a post a week or so ago on rearranging my flat and putting up my Christmas Tree, but I hadn't started Blogmas then, so I feel I need to put one up again, but this time going into more detail about the decor on the tree.

I have a small tree, mainly to match all the small apartments I've been living in recently, and I don't even need to explain why it's pink, I'm a Princess duh *wishing on a star*

I really enjoyed putting the Christmas tree up early, as December flies by, I wanted to feel festive for as long as possible. My tree has no tinsel but your typical beading and baubles in silver, greys and whites, and I have classic coloured lighting too, although they look very blue in the pictures hmm.

And thennnnnn I felt the need to add a whole load of beautiful junk that was lying around the flat...

Starting with my Owl. This is actually a mobile/tablet cleaner as it has a microfiber stomach, this wasn't used all year and stayed in the packaging, so I felt it was only fair to give him an opportunity to feel special.

A tennis ball keyring, so this was clearly a freebie during Wimbledon in the summer, not sure why we still have it, oh I know, celebrating Andy Murray's win! He did win right!? (I really don't want to Google this, although I'm feeling like maybe I should to double check) Well, lucky I did as he cleary didn't, Novak Djokovic did, who Murray beat in 2013 winning the final then! See why it takes longer than you think to do these posts! Yes if I remember sadly he was out pretty early in Wimbledon 2014??

And to think my Grandad wanted me to be a tennis player when I was younger (sorry may have just broken your heart with my previous lack of knowledge in this department)

Moving on swiftly, next are my mini Ugg boots! Me loves them! Without going into too much detail as that's another blog post, I won some Uggs in a brilliant competition Ugg Australia did, and after spending so long in their store deciding what ones to pick and receiving some great customer service, these two little boot keyrings were thrown in my bag! Mum wants one for her car, but I've refused, may give her one once the tree comes down. I just need a pink mini Ugg now to match my collection of adult sized (well actually kids in my case) Uggs, as I have them in black, tan and pastel pink.

My Tartaruga! Me and my partner love turtles, and actually have a collection of them and I got this lil one and his mother on an aeroplane on a flight to Malaga with the one and only Ryanair. The reason behind calling them Tartarugas is we were in Hamley's Toy Store and we saw a huge version of one of the turtles we have, and at the same time as me screaming 'turtle' really loudly, the people next to us shouted 'Tartaruga' and it felt magical, I hadn't heard it in another language before, and it was just perfect that my boyfriend is Portuguese and tartaruga is turtle in Portuguese, so I've called them that ever since!

Okay these next three we actually went out and purchased for the tree, and afterwards they will make home on my dressing table as they aren't over Christmassy and can stay out all year round. I love my feather dress and the fact that it actually comes on a tiny hanger is just beyond adorable. I got two of these crystal diamond shape things, gems maybe, I have no idea what they are called but my dressing table has them on the small drawers as handles, so they are a great match, and then finally my masquerade style mask which is very blingy. These are all from the department store Morleys.

'C' For Chanelle & Chico (Francisco's nickname or name in Portuguese apparently) so of course the C had to go on the tree, which is again another keyring that had no use, but they all do now!

And finally a Christmas tree cannot be complete without its very own Santa, well okay an Angel also (bow in my case) but yes our lil Santa stress ball rests in the tree, this was given out from the Samsung stand in Westfield shopping centre last year at Christmas, along with a blue candy cane that literally turned your entire mouth, and by mouth I mean lips, tongue and gums blue! It was hilarious watching all these people with blue mouths shopping around.

Which candy cane just reminded me I'm still not finished in showing the decor on my tree, it also at present (probably not for long) has two candy canes on it, again another freebie from Westfield, but this year. I also want to add hanging chocolates on the tree as they remind me of my grandparents when I was growing up as they always had chocolate on their tree, and sadly we never!

And now the bow! My boyfriend hatesssss this bow! I said he can change it if he gets an Angel, which he agreed to, but over a week on he still hasn't got one, so he can't hate the bow that much!

The tree is placed on a wicker box, making it stand a tad taller, and at the bottom of my tree I have a Christmas card from last year from my good friend Claudia. I came across it as I was clearing out, and the image on the card is just beautiful, so I had to put it up.

So there you have it, Moi Tree!

Thanks for reading my second blogmas if you got this far, day 3 to follow shortly.

Muchos Love,

Chanelle SP

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