BLOGMAS - Day 26 xo
Wednesday, December 31, 2014Boxing Day!
This boxing day was a chilled one. Bless my Mum had been that poorly, that she was barely functioning, so we spent the afternoon on the couch. Then at like 3pm me & Fran got ready & darted into town, as it shut at 4pm, we managed to make it to Argos, Superdrug & The Card Factory, and by then all the shutters were down on shops so it was time to head back home, it had also started raining by this point too, typical. What I find so crazy coming from London, and having worked on Oxford Street & in both Westfield shopping centres over previous Christmas' is how quiet Wellingborough is on Boxing Day! I know there is a lack of shops, but it's a shame to actually see it empty on Boxing Day, which is most retailers busiest day of the year, and I'm talking from experience. I hope one day this will change for Wellingborough.
As we were near McDonalds, we phoned Mum asking if she wanted hooking up lol, I think she was extremely thankful as there was no way she was cooking, and the leftover food was meat, so I would have struggled!
We got home, munched our food down, and got out what we'd gone to Argos for... Bingo! Although Mum was having none of it, the balls (which they were) were so loud as they spun round the container, so we had to put it away before we even got to play it.
We went on to watch the film Inscidious, not sure why we opted for a horror, we watched Inbetweeners 2 on Christmas Day, so we'd had our comical fix, the film was interesting, and then afterwards we caught up with the beloved soaps, then afterthat Mum went to bed, meaning the front room had become male dominated as my Uncle had come in, so football took over the television!
So Boxing day was a very quiet one this year, but still lovely to have a movie, junk eating day at my Mothers, and with the doggies, and be by the fire all day.
This image made me chuckle! It's genuinely how I feel this Christmas! There was only one Christmas I lost weight, and that was when I had severe tonsillitis and could barely eat a thing! But that's what Christmas is for, so I'm not going to feel too guilty about it!
Muchos Love,
Chanelle SP